
    We are a church that seeks to share the Gospel here in our community and around the world.

    Some of the many ways we do this is by supporting the following Missionaries and Ministries both locally and abroad.

    BBI Missions is a volunteer-based mission organization whose focus is supporting missionaries and projects that provide financial support and biblical training to national local pastors and churches.

    The Guevera Family serving in the Honduras

    David and Megan have four children. They and their family live as lights in their community, spreading the love of Jesus in many ways to those around them. David has a ministry to train local pastors across Honduras to better understand God's Word, so they in turn can communicate it to the churches and communities they serve.

    They also lead the development of the Blossom Creek Coffee Farm; coffee with a mission.

    Galcom’s vision is to see the Gospel of Jesus Christ shared with every tribe, tongue, and nation.  Their mission is to multiply missionary impact.  They do this through audio technology by providing durable technical equipment for communicating the Gospel worldwide.

    Mission Aviation Fellowship multiplies the effectiveness of more than 1,500 partner organizations.  Visit their website to find out the details about how this very special organization helps those around the work through their Aviation Services.

    Brandon and Sharlene Coker serving in Three Hills Alberta

    Brandon grew up in Ontario, Canada and served with MAF in Papua New Guinea for 24 years as an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer and trainer, Maintenance Controller, Security Manager, as well as overseeing program logistics.

    Raised in Alabama, USA, Sharlene taught in Paraguay and in the US before moving to PNG, where she served as an elementary school principal and later met Brandon. They were married in October 2010.

    With combined experience of over 45 years in missions overseas, they will now serve at the Prairie Aviation Training Centre (PATC) in Three Hills, Alberta. Together they will mentor students preparing for Christian and overseas missions service. Brandon will be maintaining the aircraft(s) at PATC (the  Flight Training Program) and Sharlene will continue in her role on the Global Disaster Response Team.

    Wycliffe’s Vision is for a world where translated Scriptures lead to transformed lives among people of all languages.

    Nate and Jess Weaver serving in Papua New Guinea

    Nate and Jess, along with their children Mateo, Amira, and Malakai, serve in Ukarumpa, Papua New Guinea. Nate and Jess support Bible translation by working in the Scripture use and staff care departments.

    Camp Cherith® Lanark

    Camp Cherith® Lanark is a co-ed, interdenominational, Christian camp located on the banks of the Clyde River in Lanark County, Ontario. This Christ-centered camp offers a variety of outdoor skill development within the context of a community committed to the pursuit of Biblical teachings and values.  The mission of Camp Cherith is to help children and youth put Christ first in every aspect of life, to nurture healthy relationships, and to develop a positive self-image.

    P2C Students want to see every student walking closer to Jesus and experiencing life in him.

    They do this by centring everything on Jesus, because his good news brings hope. They invite students to grow in faith and leadership, because God’s kingdom is also growing. They gather in diverse communities, because every unique individual matters. They adapt to local contexts, because we want to join in with what God is already doing.

    Emily Warren with P2C-Students

    Emily has served with P2C Students since 2009.  Although currently on Mat Leave, Emily plans to return to the ministry once complete.